Monday, December 25, 2006

Office 2007

Office 2007 is out. But only for trial and some businesses.

Waiting for an Anti-MSOPA for Office 2007

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Never Invest in Office Again!

Office is a big, fat, hunky item when it comes into the financial part, well, there are cures. One, get, a complete office suite which is free, or there is the other way, keeping it trial forever. Its easy to keep an Office trial forever. First, download the trial. Then go on to or a similar place and get a key for Student Teacher Edition, it won't work with the other versions since they're only one user licenses. Install using that serial. Then the last part is to bypass activation, which is also easy-peasy, search in Google for 'anti-msopa.exe' and download the zip folder. Run the program, and it disables Office activation, and there you have it, a brand new Office suite!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Office 2003 'Registration'

Another way to bypass the Office activation, only if your's is completely genuine and AFTER A REINSTALL is to edit the registry. For Windows 200 users, go to the Windows folder and open regedit.exe. For XP users, in run, type regedt32.exe. Notice that there is no 'i' in edt. Navigate to 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE' open it then navigate to 'Software,' Then navigate 'Microsoft' -- 'Office' -- '11.0' -- 'Registration' Delete of rename that folder whatever you want. This is where all the activation info is kept. Then on first run, Office will ask you for you product key, but it will be filled in for you already, follow the instructions, and you're done.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Reinstall Office 2003 Without Activation

  • Install Office 2003 as usual and activate it over Internet. (This is the last time you have to do this).
  • Create a folder named ‘Disable Office 2k3 activation’ on your desktop. Navigate to the folder ‘C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11′ or Enter ‘%ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11′ in your ‘Start>Run’ box and locate the file ‘mso.dll’. Only this file is modified after activating Office. Some installations have this file only in the folder above and some also have in ‘OFFICE10′ folder. Copy this file and paste in the folder created above.
  • Download the XP Command Script ‘Disable_O2k3_act.cmd’ and save in the same folder ‘Disable Office 2k3 activation’.

Now burn this folder on your Office 2003 CD or run this Command Script to automatically activate your Office installation every time you reinstall.

--All the activation info is kept in mso.dll

Windows XP

Along with Office, Windows XP requires activation too, and it is just too easy to get around. There are kits to help you in this, even if your copy of XP is completely NOT genuine. The WGA Patcher Permanent Kit is a major tool, one which helps a lot. Microsoft even considers you PC genuine after the patching. Another method I have not ever tried is that in the XP CD, in folder I386, find the file unattend.txt. At the bottom of that document is something that says Product Key- use that as the activation/installation code instead. You can download the WGA Patcher Permanent Kit here. You have to wait for the download though.

Microsoft Office

Microsoft has been annoying lately, having you activate all you products, including Windows and most importantly, Office. The Office Standard and Pro have become one user licenses now, very annoying. As I was Google-ing the other day, I found ways to bypass this annoying activation. There are even ways to keep an Office 2003 trial forever. To just bypass activation, you use a program called Anti-MSOPA 1.3. It is a sort of command prompt that modifies the mso.dll file; where all your activation information is kept. If you want to keep an Office trial forever, just download the trial. Then go to a site like Serial Portal and get an Office Student Teacher Edition key, and use that to install. The last step is just to run Anti-MSOPA 1.3. It's that simple. You can only get Student Teacher Ed because Microsoft checks for someone who has already used the Standard or Pro Edition key at install. Too hard to bypass that. You can download Anti-MSOPA 1.3.exe here. Comment if you have any questions; I'll respond soon.


Today- December 13, 2006-
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